Melitta Professional
A passion for coffee enjoyment since 1908. And perfectly tailored solutions for our partners’ success with coffee in the out-of-home market. Not being satisfied with the first available solution. But constantly improving. Always making things better. Regardless of whether it’s about the perfect roast, the most innovative brewing unit, technical service or digital solutions. That's Melitta Professional. Find out here what we can do for you. With comprehensive expertise for coffee machines, customer service, digital solutions and finance, we provide the support to match your precise needs.
This machine is a fully automatic coffee machine. Depending on the machine equipment level, the following products can be dispensed:
- Coffee, coffee and milk, and milk products
- Instant products
- Hot water and steam
The housing is made from aluminum and is high-quality plastic. The design of this machine facilitates compliance with the following operator requirements:
- HACCP hygiene guidelines
- Accident prevention regulations for electrical safety in the commercial sector
Melitta® Cafina® XT5 Full-Auto Coffee Making Machine
W x D x H
(W) 300
(D) 580
(H) 715 mm*
Weight ±60Kg Coffee Supply 2 x 3L / 2 x ±1000g Instant Supply 1 x 1.7L / 1 x ±1300g or
2 x 1.0L / 2 x 450-800g
Coffee Ground
Drawer Capacity
For ±30 portions * Options Extended Bean Container 2": 860 mm (H), 1 x 6L / 1 x ±2000g